Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The State of the ACA and What to Expect

One common question I have been getting since the day Donald Trump was elected to be President is “When will the Affordable Care Act (ACA) be repealed and will I lose my insurance.”  The short answer to this is you will not lose your insurance, even if you are one of those 20 million people that the gained coverage when the ACA went into place, that the media loves talking about.  Also, don’t expect any changes to occur until 2019 at the earliest or even 2020. To understand why I’ll take you through a very brief civics lesson and then explain some changes you should expect to see.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What is an ERISA Wrap Document? And Why Your Company Probably Needs One

One problem I encounter when meeting with a business owner, controller or HR executive is that the company that I am trying to help does not have the correct compliance documents in place for their health