Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Repeal, Replace … Revise: Your Guide To How A Trump Proposal Might Change ACA Insurance

This article was original published by Kaiser Health News:

Repeal and replace is on-again, off-again, but that doesn’t mean the rules affecting your insurance will remain unchanged.

The Trump administration late Thursday issued a final rule aimed at stabilizing the health law’s insurance marketplace that could have rapid, dramatic effects on people who do not get insurance through work and buy it on the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Level Funded 101

Level Funding is starting to become one of those buzzwords we hear all the time in the insurance industry.  Many insurance experts talk about this becoming the new fully insured model for groups that have a low risk and are tired of over paying in the ACA market.  Because Level funding can get a little tricky, I’ll briefly touch on how level funded plans work and why more and more groups are turning to them. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What is the Cadillac Tax?

With the AHCA or the ACA repeal and replace bill being stopped, there are still a few provisions of the ACA that are set to go into place in the coming years.  The most talked about is the Cadillac Tax.