Wednesday, July 31, 2019

7 Tips For Avoiding Heat Illnesses This Summer

The hot summer months can cause your body temperatures to rise without warning, especially when combined with activities like sports or yard work. And, while it’s tempting to spend as much time outside as you can during the summer, you need to take measures to avoid heat illnesses.

Here are some tips for staying safe when you’re out in the heat:

  1. Wear loose, light-colored clothing so your skin gets air exposure. 
  2. Shield your head and face from direct sunlight by wearing a hat and sunglasses. 
  3. Avoid spending time outdoors during the middle of the day, when temperatures are highest and the sun is directly overhead.
  4. Take regular breaks in a shaded area if you’re involved in a strenuous activity.
  5. Drink water frequently, even if you aren’t thirsty. Experts recommend drinking at least 8 ounces every 20 to 30 minutes to stay hydrated. Stick to water, fruit juice and sport drinks while avoiding caffeinated or alcoholic beverages that can dehydrate you.
  6. Monitor children and seniors carefully, since they can get dehydrated more easily.
  7. Call 911 if someone exhibits symptoms of heat stroke, such as flushed skin, rapid breathing, a throbbing headache or confusion.

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