Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Addressing Workplace Harassment

Harassment in the workplace can take many forms, such as hurtful jokes, slurs or stereotypes. These harmful acts can also lead to more serious incidents, such as violence or sexual harassment. To establish and maintain workplace relationships with your co-workers, it’s important to know the signs of workplace harassment and the best practices to address it.

Because you interact with your co-workers regularly, it can be hard to know what’s considered harassment. Here are some common signs:

•    Antisocial behavior—You may be experiencing harassment if you feel apprehensive about interacting with your co-workers or attending social events.

•    Lower productivity or performance—Feelings of anxiety or stress from harassment can lead to a drop in performance when you try to complete your work.

•    Frustration or anger—Any form of harassment can often lead to aggressive feelings, which may only make the situation worse.

Usually, the best way to address workplace harassment is to communicate your feelings clearly with your co-workers or manager. Use these best practices to help address harassment:

•    Try to have an informal conversation with any co-workers that you have a problem with. Sometimes they can be unaware that their actions are bothering you.

•    Know your workplace’s policies on harassment. Knowing what behavior is and isn’t acceptable can help you communicate your feelings and experiences more clearly.

•    Speak with your manager or HR representative if you can’t resolve workplace harassment, or if you feel uncomfortable speaking with your peers.

Source: Zywave, 2019.

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