Friday, June 5, 2020

COVID-19 Considerations for Pharmacies

While the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many organizations to close their doors for an extended period, pharmacies across the country have remained open to provide essential medications and services. However, there are still a variety of workplace adjustments and procedures that pharmacy owners must implement in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

Review the following guidance to help keep your employees and customers safe as you conduct pharmacy operations in the midst of the pandemic. Keep in mind that this is general guidance based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)—depending on the location of your pharmacy, you may need to account for additional state and local requirements or restrictions.

Employee Health and Safety

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s crucial to have measures in place to ensure the health and safety of your staff. Consider these measures:

·         Utilize routine meetings and emails to communicate with staff about the steps being taken to prevent COVID-19 exposure at your pharmacy.

·         Provide an adequate supply of paper towels, soap and hand sanitizer to allow staff to maintain proper hand hygiene.

·         Offer tissues to ensure employees follow proper cough and sneeze etiquette, as well as no-touch trash bins for tissue disposal.

·         Educate employees on the common symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough and shortness of breath). Tell them to stay home from work if they have any symptoms.

·         Conduct a wellness check on employees each day to ensure they are healthy and safe to enter the pharmacy. If employees answer “yes” to either of the following questions, send them home:

o    Have you or any person you’ve been in close contact with (e.g., family members) been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

o    Have you experienced any cold- or flu-like symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, cough, sore throat, headache, stuffy or runny nose, vomiting or diarrhea) in the past 72 hours?

·         Provide employees with adequate personal protective equipment (PPE). At a glance, pharmacy employees should consider the following PPE:

o    Gloves and gowns

o    Cloth face coverings or surgical masks

o    Face shields or eye goggles

·         Require employees to wash their hands after entering the pharmacy, after working with a customer, after touching their mask or face covering, after using the restroom and after leaving the pharmacy.

·         Train employees on the following topics:

o    How to safely put on, use, remove and store PPE

o    How to maintain proper hand hygiene and follow sneeze and cough etiquette

o    How to maintain social distancing guidelines

o    How to clean and disinfect surfaces and equipment properly

o    How to enforce health and safety requirements with customers

o    How to recognize areas or practices that increase the risk of COVID-19 exposure, as well as how to report these concerns

·         Implement proper signage throughout the pharmacy to remind staff of proper health and safety practices.

·         Establish a process for reviewing employees’ workplace health and safety concerns related to COVID-19 exposure and determining mitigation methods in a timely manner.

Cleaning and Disinfection Practices

Because your pharmacy offers services that require close contact between staff and customers and possesses a wide range of surfaces that both customers and employees touch frequently, utilizing proper cleaning and disinfection measures is vital. Use these cleaning and disinfection best practices:

·         Maintain a stocked supply of cleaning and disinfection products. Be sure to purchase products that meet Environmental Protection Agency criteria for use against COVID-19. Further, review all product labels, safety data sheets and manufacturer specifications to ensure proper storage and use.

·         Designate specific staff to be responsible for maintaining proper cleaning and disinfection practices.

·         Keep in mind that if surfaces or equipment are dirty, they should be cleaned with soap and water, or detergent prior to disinfection.

·         Utilize a well-documented system to track how often cleaning and disinfection takes place. Increase cleaning and disinfection frequency for the entire pharmacy, paying special attention to high-risk areas—such as medication pickup counters, checkout stations, waiting areas and restrooms.

·         Do not provide magazines or other shared items in pharmacy waiting areas. Disinfect waiting area items (e.g., chairs) between each customer.

·         Consider the following changes to restrooms:

o    Allow for doors to multi-stall restrooms to be opened and closed without touching handles, if feasible. This could entail adding a foot pull or encouraging occupants to touch the door handle with a paper towel rather than their bare hands.

o    In single-occupancy restrooms, use proper signage and materials (e.g., paper towels and trash cans) to encourage occupants to not touch handles. Restrict access to single-occupancy restrooms with a key to allow staff to monitor its use and disinfect it regularly.

o    Use signage to encourage occupants to close toilet lids before flushing and wash their hands before and after using the restroom.

o    Provide paper towels for drying hands, and adequate trash bins. Prohibit the use of air dryers.

·         Install numerous hand-washing (or hand-sanitizing, if hand-washing is not possible) stations throughout your pharmacy. Specifically, make sure you have these stations located at the entrance and exit of the pharmacy. Implement signage encouraging employees and customers to use these stations frequently.

·         Prevent staff from sharing any workplace tools or equipment. If employees must share any tools or equipment, establish proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures before and after each use.

·         Ensure proper air ventilation throughout the pharmacy. Be sure to clean HVAC systems regularly.

·         Have employees place their work clothing in a sealed plastic bag after each use, as if the materials are contaminated. Have these materials laundered by washing and drying on the highest temperature setting possible for the fabric. Ensure staff wear masks or face coverings when handling dirty laundry. If your pharmacy does not provide laundry services, provide employees with instructions for safely washing and drying their materials at home.

Customer Health and Safety

There are several factors that you must consider in order to promote proper health and safety standards for your customers. First, it’s important to reduce transmission risks. Follow these tips:

·         Encourage customers to use drive-thru, curbside pickup or medication delivery options as opposed to physically entering the pharmacy, if possible.

·         Consider conducting a wellness check on customers, similar to that of your employees, to ensure they are healthy and safe to enter the pharmacy. If customers answer “yes” to either of the following questions, do not let them enter the pharmacy:

o    Have you or any person you’ve been in close contact with (e.g., family members) been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

o    Have you experienced any cold- or flu-like symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, cough, sore throat, headache, stuffy or runny nose, vomiting or diarrhea) in the past 72 hours?

·         Limit the number of customers in the pharmacy at any given time. Only allow customers who are actually picking up medication or receiving services to be in the pharmacy (as opposed to socializing). In addition, consider offering special hours for vulnerable customers only (e.g., older adults). Keep in mind that depending on the location of your pharmacy, you may need to account for additional state and local restrictions regarding the number of customers allowed in the pharmacy at a time. Be sure to comply with all applicable rules.

·         Place a barrier (e.g., plexiglass or a plastic sheet) between employees and customers at all medication pickup counters to limit physical contact. Install a small opening at the bottom of each barrier to allow employees to provide medication and communicate with customers.

·         Consider offering self-checkout stations for all non-prescription purchases. Provide disinfecting wipes to allow customers to clean stations before and after using them.

·         Utilize contactless payment procedures and medication transfers as much as possible. Discourage the use of cash and credit cards. If employees and customers have any physical contact during a payment procedure or medication transfer, both parties should be encouraged to wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward.

·         Encourage customers to take a picture of their insurance or benefit cards and submit it via your website or read the information out loud (in a private area where others cannot hear) rather than handing their cards to employees.

·         Use floor markings and signage to enforce social distancing guidelines.

·         Utilize an isolated area for delivery companies to drop off medication and supplies quickly to minimize their time in the pharmacy.

Apart from these practices, it’s also crucial to communicate with customers via your website, email, social media and pharmacy signage on the steps your pharmacy is taking to protect them and the rules that they need to follow to do their part.

Include the following information for customers in your communications:

·         Please utilize drive-thru, curbside pickup or medication delivery options as much as possible. Only enter the pharmacy if absolutely necessary. If you are at higher risk of getting sick, consider having someone who is not at higher risk pick up your medications for you.

·         If you are sick or have any COVID-19 symptoms, stay home. If anyone in your household is sick, stay home as well.

·         Minimize contact with employees and other customers as much as possible within the pharmacy. Provide as much information (e.g., medication or insurance information) as you can via the phone or our website before your visit to reduce your time spent in the pharmacy.

·         Limit the items you touch in the pharmacy to only those you intend to purchase.

·         Wear a mask or face covering at all times within the pharmacy. Wash or sanitize your hands before and after leaving the pharmacy.

·         Keep in mind that the pharmacy has the right to refuse service to anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or fails to follow pharmacy guidelines.

Additional Considerations

Lastly, be sure to review your pharmacy’s operations and make any additional adjustments necessary to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and keep your staff and customers safe. Follow these measures:

·         Keep any areas of the pharmacy that are unable to follow social distancing or proper sanitation guidelines closed.

·         Ask all prescribers to submit prescription orders online or over the phone to avoid handling paper prescriptions.

·         If your pharmacy is conducting COVID-19 tests, be sure to follow all guidance from the CDC and OSHA, as well as your state and local health departments on topics such as testing prioritization, respiratory specimen collection best practices and staff PPE requirements.

·         Maintain adequate records of all customers—including names, contact information and visit dates—to be able to assist if contact tracing is needed. Do the same for employee records and work schedules.

·         Ensure that all of your operations are compliant with federal, state and local guidelines, as well as industry best practices. Consider designating one or multiple employees to be responsible for ensuring compliance.

By following these precautions, your pharmacy can continue to provide essential medications and services to your community, while also keeping employees and customers as healthy and safe as possible. For additional COVID-19 resources, contact us today.

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