Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Buying Used Vehicles & Parking Lot Safety

Buying Used Vehicles 

Buying a used vehicle can be a great way to get on the road while saving money. However, you need to be extra careful when looking at these vehicles so a defect or maintenance problem doesn’t catch you by surprise.

Here are some things you should always check before you buy a used vehicle:
·         Look for any wear or scratches around the vehicle’s dashboard. This could be a sign of an altered odometer.
·         View the vehicle from all angles and from the ground to check for wear and tear.
·         Check for a damp or moldy smell in the interior that could point to water damage.
·         Take the vehicle on a test drive to see how well it performs. Also, try to listen for clanking or grinding noises that could indicate damage.
·         Ask a salesperson if you can look under the vehicle’s front hood.
Finally, you should always request a copy the vehicle’s used car report. If the report lists any accidents or maintenance issues, this may be a sign that the vehicle isn’t a wise investment.

Parking Lot Safety 

Parking lots are a common hazard for drivers and pedestrians alike. Slips, falls, auto accidents, theft, harassment and assaults are just some of the risks you may face when you’re in a parking lot.
When you’re behind the wheel, you need to keep these tips in mind to protect yourself and pedestrians:
        Park in a well-lit area, preferably one with surveillance cameras and security patrol services.
        Avoid parking near shrubbery or other areas that could conceal people.
        Park as close to elevators as possible when keeping your car in a multistory garage.
        Lock your doors when leaving your vehicle, and have your keys out and ready when you return to ensure quick entry.
        Stay on guard and notify security or the authorities if you notice suspicious behavior.

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