Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Making a Home Inventory

Your homeowners or renters insurance policy is there to protect you from losses like fires and burglaries, but an important part of this coverage is documenting your possessions. Insurance carriers are much more likely to reimburse you if you can show them a lost item’s value and condition. Plus, a completed home inventory can help you determine if you have enough insurance coverage.

Consider these tips when you’re conducting an inventory of your possessions:

  1. Walk through every room of your home and identify all of the contents. 
  2. Document as many details as possible. This could include model numbers, serial numbers, descriptions and dates of purchase. 
  3. Keep all of your receipts so you can determine an item’s value and help with any necessary appraisals. 
  4. Take photos or videos of your possessions to help determine exactly what’s been lost or damaged after an incident, and keep this documentation with your completed home inventory. 
  5. Store your home inventory and all other relevant documents in a fireproof safe, and consider storing a copy in another secure place. 
  6. Update your home inventory regularly to ensure it accounts for all of your possessions. 
  7. Contact your insurance agent to determine if you have enough coverage for your personal belongings.

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