Friday, March 20, 2020

Best Practices for Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the number of U.S. COVID-19 cases grows daily, businesses across the country are developing and implementing plans to keep their employees and customers healthy. Some of those plans include creative measures designed to prevent the pandemic from affecting their organizations, which are outlined below.

Practicing Social Distancing

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending that all Americans practice social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This involves maintaining a 6-foot distance between employees at all times. In order to accomplish that, employers can:
·         Hold all meetings virtually.
·         Adjust workstations to ensure that employees can maintain a 6-foot social distance.
·         Cancel all events that involve more than 10 people.

Encouraging Employees to Stay Home

Statistically speaking, the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to minimize person-to-person contact. As such, employers are using the following strategies to encourage employees to stay home:
·         Expanding telecommuting policies to ensure as many employees as possible can work from home
·         Highlighting benefits offerings that employees might not know about, including short-term disability
·         Expanding leave policies, including allowing negative balances in paid time off banks
·         Offering financial incentives for employees to stay home and not come into the office

Leveraging Technology

Technological advancements have made it easier than ever before for employees to do their jobs without in-person contact. Employers can leverage email, instant messaging, video and audio messaging, and online project management systems to minimize productivity disruptions during the pandemic while keeping employees healthy and safe.

Disinfecting the Office

The CDC states that COVID-19 can remain on hard surfaces for up to 12 hours, creating a potential risk of transmission. High-touch surfaces, which include countertops, cabinets, doorknobs, handles and chairs, should be disinfected daily. Additionally, offices should ensure that they have soap and hand sanitizer that employees can use to minimize the risk of transmission.

More Information

For more information about how your business can address the COVID-19 pandemic, contact Better Business Planning, Inc. today.

Source: Zywave, 2020.

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